NOTICE: Your download and use of Edge Hub beta firmware is subject to the terms and conditions of your Splunk Partner Agreement, the
Splunk General Terms, or the Splunk Beta Evaluation Agreement – Splunk IoT Edge Hub, as applicable to you.
Bluetooth seems to be continuesly logging issues every 30 secs even when it is disabled. ERROR - /usr/bin/splunk/splunkiotpuck/iotpuck/sensors/bluetooth_sensorMaybe disable logging when not active can clean up the logs.
Edge Hub currently only has 1 eth port. Some customer installations require interface with 2 wired networks, 1 network where the industrial systems do reside and 2nd network that will be used to interface with Splunk instance.
Currently the provisioning of the hub requires the phone to be on the same coorporate network as the hub that is connected to the data collection sources. This is in most cases restricted by company policy.
I need to support USB devices in my Edge Apps, such as external GPS and CAN BUS receivers. This can be achieved by either running the docker container as privileged or mounting the right socket from /dev/